Zorro87   For profile Join and Last login info please Upgrade account

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Login From: SE

I am: Man
Seeking a: Woman, Couple
Age: 36
Country: Sweden
City: Uppsala
About Me: 31 åring vältränad snygg
Body type: Athletic
Height: below - 4' 11"
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Ljus brunt
Ethnicity: Caucasian (white)
I am a: Client
Here for: Escort, Massage, SugarRelation, MoneySlave, BDSM, Platonic, Livecam, Livechat, Phonesex, Images, Videos, Used items
Locale: Incall, Outcall, Hotel, Salon, Car, Outdoors, MeetUp, Events, Online
Religion: None/Agnostic
Languages: Swedish
Contact Info

Rules: No abuse, false reviews or slander. Be advised that Admin can read all entries.

Varning! Extremt tjatig snubbe som inte kan acceptera att man inte har möjligheten att ses. Hade inte träffat han!

Posted 5 weeks ago

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