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For fucks sake - it’s fucking healthy to fuck!

Posted on 09/09/2022
Views: 1116
I recently learned that there is more than just anecdotal evidence which demonstrates health benefits of having sex!
I mean I have been told by many clients that they feel generally better and more relaxed and just overall wellness in spirit and body after having some fun time with me… and yes I noticed the effects myself too but really if you were looking for even more justifications to indulge yourself-
I guess I hadn’t realised just how many legit studies had been done on this … haha .. but of course now it seems obvious …

For example :

Studies have found that having regular sex can result in comparatively higher amounts of IgA (an antibody which is seen as a measure of how robust your immune system is) - like seriously higher- 30% more for those who have sex 1-2 per week.

But even one good fuck brings a range of potential benefits- beyond the most obvious and direct enjoyment and satisfaction..

Sex has been shown to release endorphins- the body’s natural painkillers- and research from Germany has found “60% of individuals with migraines reported an improvement in pain after sexual activity.” Plus “37% percent of people with a cluster headache reported an improvement after having sexual intercourse.”

Having “regular sex” (by which they apparently mean sex with another person) has been found to be associated with lower stress-related bl00d pressure- in comparison to individuals who masturbated or had non-coital sex. (Sorry for the weird typing but that word is forbidden here apparently)

But you don’t have to get it on with someone else to benefit - people who ejaculate more than 21 times per month have 1/3 less incidence of prostate cancer than those who ejaculate 7-14 times or less: and for these figures apparently it didn’t matter so much how you get there Tongue

Okay maybe you don’t really need more excuses to book some time with an escort -
But it is interesting to think about - and maybe it’s a healthy antidote to so much of the shame based rhetorics that seem to flood the media and society around us at times.

For sources behind the facts check out
https://www.everydayhealth.com/s exual-health/seven-healthy-reaso ns-to-have-sex-right-now.aspx


Posted 12 months ago: GRUBBELSMURF
I appreciate your chunks of text, especially when they potentially benefit my health.
Anyone up to finance a blind study, feel free to contact me Wink

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